“Take care of your body. It’s the only place where you have to live.”
Jim Rohn
Nikita Fitness is not just an ordinary fitness center. At Nikita Fitness, we inspire our customers to commit to a healthy lifestyle, fitness and hard work.
We do not accept any excuses!
Nikita Fitness offers first class equipment, experienced trainers, but also a home atmosphere. We are as dedicated to your workouts as you are.
Join us and change your life today!
It is not just about how much your scale will show you, it is especially about moving forward to a healthier lifestyle through exercise and proper eating.
Whether you are a beginner or an experienced athlete, you will always get something more from us.
5 unwritten rules in Nikita Fitness:
1) If you can load the weight, you can also put it down and put it aside.
2) The person who carries the weight has priority over the person who carries nothing.
3) Everyone is equal in the gym!
4) One who enters the room greets all who are already there.
5) Leave the ego at home. Does not belong to the gym!